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Liptov Shepherd

Virtual Soaring Competition

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Liptov Shepherd › Competition rules

1. Prerequisites

Every pilot has to own legal copy of Condor (version 1.1.3). Any modification of the application or any of the aircraft is forbidden and will be penalized by disqualification from the competition.

2. Competition calendar

The competition starts on October 2nd, 2010. Last competition day is November 20th, 2010. Racing day is Saturday. Server always starts at 18:00 UTC, from 06.11.2010 at 19:00 UTC. The complete competition schedule you can find on this page.

3. Competition class, tasks & settings

We will race in STANDARD class (ASW28, Discus2 and LS8 - DAeC index will be not used), racing tasks (all REGATTA) with PDA allowed. Competition has together 8 racing days.

4. Sceneries

We have only one competition scenery: beautiful Slovak Republic 1.0, author: Miloš "Cadfael" Koch.

5. Scoring

The competition will use scoring system based on real-life GP, the adjustment relates to a system of scoring. Scoring will be as follows: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /DISK2/WWW/ Stack trace: #0 /DISK2/WWW/ include() #1 /DISK2/WWW/ include('/DISK2/WWW/virt...') #2 {main} thrown in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 8